Our Timeline

Thursday, August 17, 2006

DTC = dossier to China, Date your dossier was sent to China from the CHI St. Louis office
LID = log in date with the CCAA in China and the official start date of your wait for referral
TA = travel approval
ACR = Age of Child Requested
DOR = Date of Referral Date you received the photo and other information about the child you will/have adopted.
TA = Travel approval to come to China to complete the adoption
DOT = Date of Travel Date you will/did leave to travel to China for the adoption.
NSN = Non Special Needs Child without a known medical condition.
SN = Special Needs Child with a discernable medical condition.
LIO = letter of intent to adopt a waiting child
PA = pre-approval to adopt a waiting child
SW = Social Worker The social worker who prepares the home study, which is a major part of your dossier.
SWI = Social Welfare Institute (orphanage).
a. mm/dd/yy = adopted on mm/dd/yy
b. mm/dd/yy = born on mm/dd/yy
DH = Dear Husband .
DW = Dear Wife .
DD = Dear Daughter .
DSD = Dear Step Daughter .
DS = Dear Son .
DSS = Dear Step Son .
MIL = Mother in Law (May or may not be dear ...)
FIL = Father in Law .
SIL = Sister in Law .
BIL = Brother in Law .
DP = Dear Partner
OT = Off Topic Any topic not related to the stated purpose of the email list.
CCAA = China Center for Adopton Affairs The part of the Chinese government that processes all dossier and matches prospective families and Chinese children needing families.
INS = Immigration and Naturalization Service The part of the U.S. government that all U.S. families must deal with to allow the immigration of their child into the U.S.
= Little grin .
= Very Big Grin .
BB = Bulletin Board Usually electronic forum where messages are posted.
BTW = By the Way .
FWIW = For What It's Worth .
ROFL = Rolling on the Floor, Laughing You may only write this if you have in fact rolled on the floor first or you may roll your child, cat or dog a few times!
LOL = Laughing Out Loud You should actually laugh out loud to use this one in good conscience.
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
OTOH = On The Other Hand
BTDT = been there done that